Poznámka 12

Nelze se přitom ovšem vyhnout výkonu takzvané divinace. Přesto se u romantiků zcela podstatně liší postavení přítomnosti vůči minulosti od osvícenského. Gossman je shrnuje takto: „Challenging the assumption that yesterday’s dispositions are relevant to the needs of today, the Enlightenment dug a trench between the present and the past of the historians, and between the ,philosophical‘ reader and the traditional narratives […]“; srv. L. Gossman, History as Decipherment, pozn. 10, str. 266. Naproti tomu u romantiků: „Poetry […] was not to rise to the clarity of prose; the past was not to be articulated by the present. It was rather the prose of rational and practical discourse that was inferior to the poetic language that had preceded it.“ Tamt., str. 272.