Poznámka 17

J. Davis, Philosophy, Dogma, and Exegesis in Medieval Ashkenazic Judaism: The Evidence of Sefer Hadrat Qodesh, in: AJS Review, 18, 1993, str. 195–222; J. Elbaum, Petiḥut ve-histagrut, Jerušalajim 1990, str. 17 a 156–159; L. Kaplan, Rabbi Mordekhai Jaffe and the Evolution of Jewish Culture in Poland in the Sixteenth Century, in: B. D. Cooperman (vyd.), Jewish Thought in the Sixteenth Century, Cambridge (Mass.) 1983, str. 266–282; D. Ruderman, Jewish Thought and Scientific Discovery in Early Modern Europe, New Haven – London 1995, str. 54–99. V češtině viz J. Davis, Jom Tov Lipmann Heller (15781654), Praha 2011, str. 31–34 a passim.