Poznámka 15

Srv. podstatnou kritiku např. in: H. A. Orr, The Science of Right and Wrong, in: The New York Review of Books, 12. 1. 2011; W. R. P. Kaufman, Can Science Determine Moral Values? A Reply to Sam Harris, in: Neuroethics, 55, 2010, str. 1–11; S. Blackburn, Morality without God, in: Prospect, 181, 23. 3. 2011, dostupné na http://www.prospectmagazine.co.uk/2011/03/blackburn-ethics-without-god–secularism-religion-sam-harris/ (navštíveno 23. 1. 2012); R. Blackford, Book Review: Sam Harris’ The Moral Landscape, in: Journal of Evolution and Technology, 21, 2010, str. 53–62.